Nokia and TSSC establish 5G skill development CoE in Gujarat
The CoE at ITI Kubernagar is setting up a Skill Lab for training of candidates in 5G technology skills with the aim of providing placement offers within 4-6 weeks of course completion to at least 70% of learners. About 300 such candidates will benefit from the program in the first year of the project. Nokia will be investing in infrastructure, equipment and training for the five labs in the CoE as part of its India CSR program.
“The unveiling of our state-of-the-art CoE with 5G, IoT, Advanced Security Surveillance, Line Assembler and Advanced Mobile Repair labs, represents a significant milestone in our organization’s commitment to skilling youth of India in emerging telecom job roles. We are thrilled to showcase this facility and demonstrate the immense potential it holds for the future,” said Arvind Bali, CEO, Telecom Sector Skill Council.