
World Architecture Day 2024: Comment by Prof. Shaleen Sharma, Dean, School Of Architecture, World University of Design

World Architecture Day 2024 is “Empowering the Next Generation in Participatory Urban Design”, emphasizing the role of young architects in urban planning and development.

Commenting on the occasion of World Architecture Day 2024, Prof. Shaleen Sharma, Dean, School Of Architecture, World University of Design (WUD), said, “Architecture and urban design are intrinsically linked disciplines that must be taught as an integrated whole, recognizing that no building exists in isolation from its urban context. From the education perspective for students, we must ensure that every design problem presented to students is deeply rooted in real urban contexts, moving away from abstract or context-less design exercises. This connection is strengthened through meaningful community engagement, where students learn to involve residents in their design process, gathering valuable insights that inform their programming decisions and design solutions. The participatory approach helps develop crucial empathy skills in future architects, enabling them to understand and respond to the actual needs, aspirations, and challenges of the communities they will be serving. Furthermore, modern technology can be leveraged to analyze and visualize how architectural interventions will impact urban spaces over time, allowing students to understand the long-term implications of their design decisions on the urban fabric. By combining these elements – context-based design problems, community participation, empathy-driven design thinking, and technology-enabled future projection – architectural education can nurture a new generation of designers who naturally bridge the gap between individual buildings and urban design, making cities sustainable and liveable.”


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