TRAI’s Response to DoT’s Back Reference on TRAI’s recommendations on the Framework for Service Authorisations to be Granted Under the Telecommunications Act, 2023

Lt. Gen. Dr. S.P. Kochhar, Director General, COAI
Lt. Gen. Dr. S.P. Kochhar, Director General, COAI, said in a statement: “COAI has been advocating that the authorization process must not be made and continue to retain the contractual nature of the present licensing regime. This will ensure policy and regulatory certainty, which is essential for attracting investments to the industry. While this request of COAI has not been addressed, further, in the back reference to DoT issued by TRAI on 28th February, 2025, it is noted with concern that the role of TRAI may be diluted as it has been stated that with respect to minor or procedural amendments, the Licensor may not seek recommendation from the Regulator.
Moreover, COAI has been advocating that SATCOM should be used for enhancing the coverage in uncovered rural areas and that there should be a level playing field between Terrestrial Service Providers and Satellite Communication Service Providers in all other areas. This important issue has not been addressed by DoT or by TRAI. This non-addressal will adversely affect investors’ sentiments.
Furthermore, as per our understanding, OTT Communication Services are not covered under the new Telecom Act as an access service. To address the issues of non-level playing field and ensure adoption of principles of “Same Service Same Rule”, we had submitted that these competing and substitutable services should be included under Access Services authorization under the new framework. However, till date, our concern with regard to OTT/App Based Communication Services has neither been addressed by the Regulator, nor by the Licensor.”