COAI statement on ‘Abolition of Wireless Operating License’

Lt. Gen. Dr. S.P. Kochhar, Director General, COAI
Lt. Gen. Dr. S.P. Kochhar, Director General, COAI in a statement on ‘Abolition of Wireless Operating License’, said, “The industry appreciates the Government’s progressive approach towards technological advancement of the nation, depicted by the abolition of the Wireless Operating License (WOL) as announced by the Hon’ble Minister of Communications & IT during the IMC 2024 curtain raiser.
We are enthused by this strategic move by the Government, which is in continuation to the outlook for reform-based changes to the policy and regulatory landscape for the Indian telecom sector. As per the official PIB release, the requirement of WOL for licensees under section 4 of Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 have been abolished altogether and no separate WoL is required by them for establishing, maintaining or working of telecommunication including radio equipment. We understand that it includes the WOL for microwave frequency bands as well, which is a positive development for the industry.
By eliminating the need for wireless operating licenses, a simplified regulatory environment is expected to emerge, which would allow for more focus on service enhancement and less on compliance, thus leading to less burden for TSPs and further ease of doing business for the sector. This would also enable faster rollout of networks and higher mobile broadband penetration for the country, thus helping provide better services to the citizens across the country, while supporting the Digital India initiative of the Government.
As COAI, we are also delighted by the Government’s preference to use the India Mobile Congress (IMC) platform for making such positive and impactful announcements which hold significant relevance for the industry, the digital ecosystem and above all – the Indian citizens. We hope the IMC continues to grow with zeal and to be able to contribute meaningfully to India’s ambitious digital journey ahead towards global leadership.”