IFCFPM 2023 concludes at Mahindra University
New Delhi — The Indo-French Conference on Frontiers in Photonics and Metamaterials-2023 (IFCFPM) successfully concluded after three days of discussions. The conference was organised by Mahindra University’s Ecole Centrale School of Engineering in India and the Ecole Centrale group of institutions in France. The conference took place at Mahindra University and brought together over 100 attendees from India and around the world, including leading academics, industry professionals, young scientists, and students.
Experts and researchers utilized the IFCFPM platform to share their innovative contributions and challenges in the fields of Photonics and Metamaterials, inspiring innovation in the field. The event featured 11 plenary talks and several parallel sessions on Optics, photonics, Terahertz, and high-speed communications. The presentations focused on cutting-edge research and innovations in the respective fields. Budding research students also had the opportunity to share their research with leading experts from around the world through poster presentations.
“IFCFPM allowed exposure to Photonics based next-generation discoveries with potentials in shaping future technologies that can influence all aspects of life,” said Prof Dibakar Roy Chowdhury (FInstP (UK)), HOD, Department of Physics at Mahindra University.
According to Professor Nikolay Zheludev, Deputy Director, Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK and Director, Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies (CDPT), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, “The IFCFPM was a perfectly organized international meeting at the very attractive location of Mahindra University. It has attracted some of the most prominent researchers in photonics and metamaterials from India, USA, Europe, Singapore, and Australia”.
Prof. Miguel A. Alonso Professor, Centrale Méditérranée and Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France said “This event was a great opportunity for scientists from India, France, and many other countries to exchange ideas and establish new connections in an intimate setting. The topics discussed were varied but interconnected, so that all presentations were of interest to all participants. I congratulate the organizers for their excellent work, and I thank them for inviting me to be a part of it.”
Consul General of France in India Thierry Berthelot inaugurated the conference. In his address, he talked about the strong research and development collaborations between India and France. Leading experts in the photonics and optics community followed with technical presentations and discussions.

Mahindra University Vice Chancellor Dr.Yajulu Medury welcoming speaker at Indo-French conference.
Several renowned speakers such as Prof. David Payne from the University of Southampton and Prof. Miguel Alonso from the University Marseille enthralled the audience with their enlightening talks. The conference also featured talks by Prof Nikolay Zheludev from NTU Singapore and the University of Southampton, Prof. Venugopal Achanta from NPL New Delhi, Prof. S S Prabhu from TIFR Mumbai, Prof. Siddharth Rama Chandran from Boston University, USA, and Prof. Arseniy Kuznetsov from A*STAR Singapore